Other Children

While I am.... Hanging out with friends and family
A child in Bangladesh is..... Working in brutal conditions

While I am swimming in fresh water
A four year old is in India is.... suffering from starvation

While I am.... sleeping peacefully
That same four year old is..... sobbing from loss of sleep

While I am..... relaxing out on the sofa
A fourteen year old is..... working endless hours

While I am... watching t.v with my family
A family in Kuparedi Candigai is..... selling their children to get money to look after themselves

While I am..... greeting my family
A little girl.... is scared because she has to survive on her own

While I am....... looking at what to wear
That little girl is..... wearing the same clothes everyday

While I am.... riding my bike
A twelve year old boy...... is walking everywhere

While I am.... going to school
A boss ........ is growling at all the children working for him

While I am.... camping with my friends
A child.... is in a small room, scared to go anywhere

While I am...... living my perfect life
Millions of children.... are dreaming to live my life
They..... want to live my life
They.... cry to live my life
They.... scream to live my life
Their future?
Nobody knows

Opening of school hall

On Friday it was the opening of the school hall and me and my friends Camelia and Ngati-Kaari played a piece of music on the guitar that we have been learning for only four weeks!!! I am so proud of us because we put alot of effort into our lessons and when we played we all had a great feeling inside of us!!! We are really thankful of Mrs Smyth for giving us the opportunity to preform for the opening of our new school hall!!!

School Mini-Marathon

Last week on Friday was the school mini-marathon and it was so fun running around the block because it made me feel free because for some reason I just love to run and I like running long distance rather than short distance because it's easier for me to pace myself. Anyway out of all the year sevens in the school I came 7th and I am proud of what I achieved in running!!!


Camelia is my sister or bestie and she is such a dolphin lover. I mean if you ask her what her favourite animal is she would say the dolphin!!! Why am I friends with Camelia ? I don't know we just all of a sudden became like sisters and yeah!!!Oh yeah she knows me better than anyone else (apart from my family) and shes just the type of person that makes you feel like your at home and when your with her she makes you feel like you don't need to worry about anything. Me and Cammy are so called sisters cause we are like the same I mean with our personalities for example we both love sport, animals, food, food, traveling, being wild and crazy, being social butterflies, hanging out, shopping, making new friends and just being ourselves!!!
This week was meant to be the Inter-School Cross Country but now we don't know when it is so we can't really do anything so all of us are so board because we really want to go because it's kind of boaring at school
This Friday our school hall is finally going to be opened after a hole term of being reconstructed!
I can't wait because it is meant to be way better than last year (even though I'm a year 7)
But the year 8's are more excited than us yr 7's because they were so sick of their old hall!
2 weeks ago we had the speech finals at selwyn hall. It was so freaky saying it to a bigger crowed of people but hey you got to do what you got to do! Anyways when it came to my turn to do my speech I was so freaked out because i have never dremt of doing anything like this in my life! However I was so scared of doing it that I thought that I was going to choke, or once I had started to talk I might forget my whole speech, or worse I might even fall of the stage! But I didn't know why I was thinking like this, I mean there's nothing to be afraid of you just have to take a deep breath and think of the good and not the bad
Cammy is my sister
I love being a twister
my specialties don't know
but I know that I can tie a bow
Rarotonga's my fave
real island food I crave
Sport I love
But I want a white dove (not)
I want a cute dog
but it's tie with a speckled frog
What else can I say
apart from being in a bundle of hay
I'm sometimes lazy
but I'd rather be crazy
I love my family and friends but hate their wakey trends
Keri is my name,
Everyday I'm the same
Rarotonga is my fave
I love my friends and family
Maybe I love you
And will always be a fan of
Real island food
In the end this is
Everything I love (maybe)
in da holiadys my grandpa came all the way from rarotonga to see me and da rest of my cousins. anyways when he was here he was telling me about how my pig died cause these 3 dogs came onto our propity at night and moared 3 of our pigs (including mine) to death!!! so sad!!! (boo hoo)
on da weekend i went to my friends house cause it was her b-day. anyways it was alright n sort of cool cause we played some cool games like fluffy bunny n other party games n that type of stuff!!!

Me & Cammy!!!!

2 little monkeys swinging in a tree
1 is me and the other is Cammy.

Loner!!! (Me!)
Last weekend was so boring apart from netball which was my first game for this season. Oh yea I forgot to mention that i play for Waikete Netball Team (mean maori mean). Anyways it was pretty cool playing netball xcept that it was pretty cold!!!After that I went home and that was absolutley boring cause there was nothing to do!!!
Hi my name is Keri-Marie and I go to Kaitao Intermediate.Anyways coming to Kaitao was scary at the start but then i realized that it wasn't so bad because i had friends (Cammy ect) and had an awesome teacher (Mr Dyke) that helped me!!!!!However I'm so glad that I'm in mr dyke's class because that's the same class that my cousin was in!!!!(Hey Rochelle)
Here's some stuff about me....
Fav Food:hot chips,moose,pav,strawberries ect.
Fav thing 2 do:hanging out with friends,sports,ect.
Fav animalz:Turtlez,Dolphinz,parrakets,& monkeyz
Fav colourz:aqua,purple,lime,yellow&hot pink.